Lawn weeds can be one of the more troubling aspects of lawn care. Most weeds are opportunistic and will take advantage of any weakness in the turf. Thinner areas of grass, grass that is mowed too short and even infertile soil make perfect opportunities for weeds to grow.
Weeds compete with grass for space, nutrients, and water. Many weeds grow much faster than turfgrass and can quickly get out of control if measures are not taken to stop them. At the very least, they detract from the quality and appearance of your lawn.
The conditions that allowed for weeds to flourish must be corrected or they will continually be a problem. You can kill the weeds all you want, but if you do nothing else, they will return.
Lawns must be maintained in a way that promotes a healthy lawn while discouraging lawn weeds. There are many ways to accomplish this. For example, some types of grasses can be overseeded to thicken the turf.
It is important to develop a sound fertilizer program based on the needs and use of the grass. This will help promote a vigorous lawn.
For most grasses, it better to mow the lawn at the highest recommended level. This is especially important for cool season grasses. These tactics will hinder weed germination and growth since most weeds cannot compete easily with a thick lawn.
If the lawn is in serious decline, it may take a couple of years to develop a quality turf and see a major reduction in weed growth. There are not too many shortcuts in producing a nice lawn. For the most part, the methods are the same for homeowners and professionals alike.
The last resort for weed control is to use chemical herbicides. However, as lawn quality improves, lawn weeds and herbicide use will be greatly reduced.