Warm Temps = More Pests?


Do warmer winter temps = more pests and spiders throughout the growing season?? Yes its true! The above-average winter temperatures could mean that pests will come out earlier than usual and in greater numbers.Insects stay in a hibernation-like state during the winter since cold temperatures slow down their metabolism and reproduction cycles. But with the season’s above-average temperatures, we could have larger numbers of ants, termites, roaches and mosquitoes this spring.
Here are some tips to keeping pests away:
– Remove all unnecessary food and water sources.
– Seal cracks and crevices around doors and windows.
– Clean up spilled food and drinks immediately.
– Keep gutters clear, and direct water from downspouts away from your home.
– Thin vegetation and do not pile mulch or allow soil to accumulate against your home’s siding. This could provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes and access for ants, roaches and spiders to enter your home.
– Pay close attention to dirt-filled porches and crawlspaces. Spiders could have easy access to wood through cracks in foundation walls or if wood is in contact with the soil.