Natural Mosquito Repellents


Mosquitoes are the ultimate pest. They have the ability to ruin an otherwise great summer’s night. Repellents can help you seem less attractive to mosquitoes, making it less likely they will bite you. Most repellents contain DEET to scare off the little pests. But there are also other more natural options to keep the mosquitos away from you and out of your yard.

1. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

This plant-based oil is one of more well-known natural repellents. As both lemon and eucalyptus are natural repellents, when put together they can keep mosquitoes at bay for up to two hours. You can often find mosquito repellent with these ingredients in them as well.

2. Catnip Oil

Catnip oil is derived from the Nepeta cataria plant. It is one of the more efficient natural repellents. It can offer protection for up to seven hours.

3. 2-Undecanone

Naturally grown in bananas, cloves, ginger, guava, tomatoes, and strawberries, 2-undecanone is an oily organic liquid that can repel mosquitoes. This liquid can offer safety for up to four and a half hours.

4. Citronella Oil

Many repellents contain citronella. Products that contain at least 10% citronella are more effective—though this is not the most powerful repellent as it will only keep mosquitoes away for about a half an hour.

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

If you’re looking to keep mosquitoes from infesting your lawn, try planting a new of these plants that can help to repel them. Avoiding mosquito bites is much easier when you are in a place without so many of the pests. Keep your property pest free (or at least less infested with mosquitoes) with these mosquito repelling plants:


Other Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Aside from repellent, that are other ways to scare off mosquitoes and avoid annoying bites. One of the easier ways—cover up. It is much more difficult for mosquitoes to reach your skin if they can’t get to it. Wearing a long-sleeve shirt, long pants, sock, closed toes shoes, and a hat will leave very little skin exposed to mosquito bites. Though it is possible for mosquitoes to bite through clothing and even sneak under clothing, it will certainly make it more difficult for them.

Mosquitoes are more comfortable in the stagnant air. Using fans is another great way to keep them away. They will struggle to land on you long enough to bite when they are blown away by the wind.

Just as mosquitoes like stagnant air, they also like standing water. Moist areas are more likely to attract all bugs in general, particularly mosquitoes. Don’t allow water to pool up in your yard. This can often happen in puddles, ponds, buckets, trash cans, unplanted flower pots, bird baths, etc. Be sure to keep water circulating and clean to keep the mosquitoes away.

Dawn and dusk are the most dangerous times for mosquito bites. Avoid being outside during sunrise and sunset to avoid excessive biting.

If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact us! We are always happy to help with all of your pest control and lawn care needs!