How To Kill Crabgrass, Dandelions and other Lawn Needs

Dandelions growing in a green lawn

How To Kill Crabgrass, Dandelions and other Lawn Needs

Lawn weeds such as crabgrass and dandelions pose one of the most persistent — and annoying — challenges in the great American quest to grow decent grass. Some weeds are just a fact of lawn life. With a yank here and a zap of weed-killer there, weed control should be no big deal. But if your lawn is losing the weed war, the first place to look is the quality of the grass itself and the soil under it. Weeds are opportunists. They’ll quickly move into any bare spots. When grass plants beat them to the punch, though, they have no place to sprout. That’s why the best defense against lawn weeds is a good offense. Another great line of defense is a proper weed control program. The tough to kill summer weeds are posing a threat in your turf. We can help.