12 Signs You Need to Call a Pest Control Lawn Services

A hole in the ground filled with grass and dirt, suitable for lawn services.

Imagine walking out to your garden, expecting to see the lush green lawn you’ve worked so hard to cultivate, only to find mysterious brown patches spreading across the turf. This site can dampen the spirits of any homeowner. Recognizing the early signs of a pest infestation in your lawn is crucial to taking swift action that could save you time, effort, and money.

Pests don’t need an invitation before they invade. From tiny, burrowing insects to larger, more noticeable critters, your lawn quickly becomes a hub for unwanted activity that threatens the health and beauty of your outdoor space. 

Often, the first signs of trouble are subtle. You might notice that the texture of your lawn feels different under your feet or see birds flocking to your yard more frequently than usual. Identifying these early warnings requires a keen eye and a bit of knowledge. Understanding what to look out for lets you catch the problem before it spirals out of control.

Let’s dive into some of the most common indicators that it’s time to call a professional for pest control and lawn services. Your lush, vibrant lawn depends on your ability to spot these signs and act on them quickly.

1. Unexplained brown spots on your lawn

If you start seeing brown patches on your lawn that don’t go away with watering, this could be a sign of pest activity. Many lawn pests feed on grass roots, which causes the grass to brown and die in patches. 

This sign is often the first clue that something’s not right under the surface. Additionally, certain fungal diseases carried by pests could exacerbate these brown spots, making early detection and treatment essential. Regularly monitoring your lawn’s health helps catch these issues before they spread further.

A grassy field with brown and green patches, showcasing the need for lawn services.

2. Visible insect activity

Seeing an increase in insect activity around your lawn is a clear sign of an infestation. Whether it’s ants, beetles, or grubs, visible insects are often the tip of the iceberg. If you see them frequently, it’s a good idea to get a professional assessment to determine the extent of the problem and the best course of action. 

Monitoring the variety of insects also provides insights into the type of infestation and guides targeted treatments. Early intervention stops these pests from establishing larger colonies that are harder to control.

3. Lawn feels spongy when walked on

When your lawn starts to feel spongy or soft underfoot, it might be due to pests like grubs or other insects that feed on grass roots. This feeding damages the root system, causing the turf to feel less firm. 

This symptom requires immediate attention to prevent further damage. Ignoring this sign can lead to widespread root damage, making your lawn unable to absorb water and nutrients effectively. A spongy lawn may also attract other types of wildlife that feed on the pests, leading to additional lawn issues.

4. Increased bird activity

Birds may visit your lawn more often when they find a feast of pests available. While birds are natural pest controllers, excessive bird activity indicates a severe pest problem that might require professional intervention. 

If you notice flocks descending on specific areas, they’ve likely found a concentrated food source, signaling deep-rooted pest issues. Watching the patterns of these birds helps you pinpoint where to focus pest control efforts.

5. Thin, patchy, or bare spots

A healthy lawn should be thick and even. If you notice it’s becoming thin, patchy, or bare spots are forming, pests could be to blame. Various insects and critters damage the grass and disrupt its growth by affecting the soil and root system. 

These spots may expand rapidly if left unchecked, leading to greater coverage and visibility of the damage. Soil tests might reveal the specific pests at work, aiding in targeted treatments.

6. Chewed or eaten grass blades

If the blades of your grass look like something is chewing on them, this could be the work of larger pests. Caterpillars and beetles often leave behind jagged edges on grass blades after feeding on them. 

These pests not only ruin the look of your lawn but also weaken it. This weakening makes the lawn more susceptible to other stresses like drought or extreme temperatures. Often, the damage escalates if the initial signs are ignored, making early detection and control vital.

7. Nighttime sounds

Hearing unusual sounds from your lawn at night, such as chirping or buzzing, could indicate a hidden pest problem. Many pests are more active at night; hearing them is often the first hint of their presence.

Image of a grassy field with patches of brown and green, highlighting lawn services.

8. Presence of webs or nests

Spider webs, wasp nests, or other insect homes in or around your lawn signal an infestation. While some spiders are beneficial, excessive webs and nests suggest that the pest population is too high and needs management. 

Such noises often originate from creatures like crickets and nocturnal beetles. Identifying these sounds helps homeowners decide when it’s time to inspect their lawn more closely or call in pest control experts.

9. Unusual lawn odor

A foul or unusual odor from your lawn could indicate a pest or fungus problem. Some pests produce odors, especially when they accumulate in large numbers. This smell often accompanies other signs of decay and should prompt a call to a pest control service.

A smell could also hint at an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria or mold in the soil, which thrive in over-moist conditions often caused by pests disrupting the natural drainage of the lawn. 

If left unchecked, these conditions not only deteriorate the lawn’s health but also create an unhealthy environment for outdoor activities. Addressing these odors quickly by assessing irrigation systems and ensuring proper lawn drainage helps mitigate these problems before they become more severe and costly to resolve.

10. Difficulty growing new plants

If you’re having trouble growing new plants or grass in areas where it used to thrive, pests could affect the soil quality. Soil-dwelling pests will change the conditions of the soil, making it inhospitable for new growth. 

Testing the soil might reveal a decrease in essential nutrients or an imbalance in pH levels caused by pest activities. Implementing soil amendments based on test results helps restore soil health. Additionally, rotating your plantings might discourage pests from becoming established and further damaging the area.

11. Increase in weeds

An increase in weeds may be another sign of pest issues. Pests such as insects and moles disturb the soil, making it easier for weeds to take over. This not only affects the appearance of your lawn but also its health. Weeds compete with your plants for light, nutrients, and water, weakening your lawn’s overall vitality. 

Regular monitoring and removing weeds by hand or using appropriate weed control methods can mitigate this issue. Maintaining a dense, healthy lawn naturally suppresses weed growth and improves resilience against pests.

12. Your neighbors are having pest issues

If your neighbors are dealing with pests, there’s a good chance those same pests could migrate to your yard. Staying proactive by having a professional check your lawn could prevent the spread and save you a lot of effort in the long run. It’s also wise to discuss pest control strategies with your neighbors to coordinate efforts for broader, more effective pest management. 

Creating a community approach to pest control reduces the risk of recurring infestations. Furthermore, keeping an eye on the patterns of pest movement between properties provides valuable insights for preventive measures. 

As you take steps to protect your lawn from pests, remember that the health of your outdoor space reflects the care and attention you give it. 

A grassy hole in the ground, perfect for lawn services and maintenance.

Identifying the signs of a pest problem is the first step in maintaining a beautiful, thriving yard. When you notice these indicators, responding quickly is critical. The longer pests linger, the more damage they can cause, potentially leading to a costly and time-consuming recovery process for your lawn.

Calling a professional pest control service offers peace of mind. These experts have the tools, knowledge, and experience to effectively diagnose and treat pest problems. They address the symptoms of the infestation and target the underlying causes to prevent future issues. This proactive approach helps ensure your lawn remains a vibrant and enjoyable part of your home.

Protecting your lawn from pests is an ongoing commitment. Regularly inspecting your yard and being vigilant about maintenance keeps your lawn healthy and prevents the stress of dealing with extensive pest damage. 

Remember, the effort you put into your lawn today will pay off in the lush, green turf you will enjoy and be proud of tomorrow.

Summit Lawn & Pest Control

Battling pest invasions in Orem, Utah? Reach out to Summit Lawn & Pest Control without delay. Boasting ten years of expertise in Orem and the wider Utah County, our team commits to swiftly and efficiently solving your pest dilemmas.

Equipped with the right knowledge, tools, and dedication, we ensure your living space becomes pest-free, restoring safety and comfort to your home. Don’t allow pests to rule your residence — dial 801-473-9926 now for a complimentary estimate.

For top-notch lawn services, get in touch with Summit Lawn & Pest Control today and secure a pest-free environment for your future!